Well we went to Branson last week for a couple of days to visit some in-laws. It was a lot of fun. We played in the pool at the hotel, stayed up late playing cards, went to the World's Largest Titanic Museum and just had a nice relaxing mini vacation. It's always good to get out of dodge for a few days.
I am doing good. I am past all previous d-days for miscarriages so it puts me a bit more at ease with the whole pregnancy. 8 weeks always seems to be my 1st and most important mile marker and I am now 3 days past it. Hooray! Now if I could just get my health care options in order I would be good. With my insurance we are limited to the mercies of certain people and if we don't like the decisions they make we can choose to do a "point of service" options which is paying out of pocket up to a certain amount and then being covered from there. It's not a large amount but enough to stress you out just a little. My beef is where I currently am I don't have a female OBGYN option under my complete coverage and I also don't have a hospital with my labor options available under my complete coverage. I am going to tour the only hospital option they give tomorrow and decide if it's going to be acceptable or not. I know they may sound snooty to some but when you are having a baby and having so many doctors appointments and such you really should be able to have every option you want at your disposal. I'll let you all know how the tour goes and what we decide. Other than that I am feeling ok. My appetite is insane and I am trying so hard not to give in to it because of my last weight gain. The same thing happened last time and I gained nearly 10 lbs in the first trimester. I am aiming for less than 5 lbs this time. Hey, did anyone else who has had a second, third, etc. child ever noticed getting bigger faster than the first time? Maybe it's in my head but it feels like my belly is growing so fast too early. Any thoughts?
On a different note. Baby Bean has not had any pee pee accidents in over a week and after going poo poo on the potty last week a couple of times she has now started telling me when she wants to do number 2 in the potty and actually doing it in the potty! Hooray! 2 weeks for potty training (in respect to pee pee and not poo poo) has got to be some kind of record! I'm hoping for only another 2 weeks on the whole pooping thing. Wishful thinking? We'll see!